This might be a blessing in disguise. When I left Kenya for the UK, about ten years ago, I already had a driving license and had driven for about 5 years on chaotic roads, so I would say I was experienced enough. But I had to do some driving test in the UK before I was allowed to drive, and by the way, both Kenya and the UK drive on the left side, because Kenya is a British colony. I don’t mind doing the test, just attending the driving classes when you already know what you are doing is a bit of a pain in terms of time and money. This didn’t end there when I moved to the UAE, Dubai years later, I had to attend driving classes both theory and practicals for a whole month….a whole month seriously… before they could allow me to drive…at that time I had been driving for about 10 years, but no my experience was irrelevant. Later I moved to Austria…..and the same old story goes, however, in Austria I was lucky because they have an Agreement with the UAE, so if one has a driving licence from UAE, they can just apply for a local one after being in the country for 6 months. But do you know why I had to do all of this….because I hold a Kenyan passport…apparently, your passport determines if you are a good driver or not. The bushfallers might have saved you some money and time here :)